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About Us About Us Featuring 20+ years of science backed data and psychology PeopleBest exists to discover actionable, intelligent, performance focued predictive data to help

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How To Retain All Your Leaders

Employers that want to keep their leaders — and especially the women in their managerial ranks — know their mission: They must provide ample opportunity, and the training to go with it.

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Leading with Style and Substance

That saying — “style over substance” — makes an important point. Sure, a rocker’s getup is part of the package, but no one wins a Grammy on an outfit alone. 

When it comes to Leadership Styles, the same lesson applies. Leaders can’t succeed on swagger. But I believe style does have something to do with their success. In fact, when leaders discover their style, they unlock greater “substance” and lead with improved agility and heightened confidence.

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3 trends — and 3 tips — for 2023

We’re well into the first quarter of 2023, and that means we have a good idea of the trends that will shape the year unfolding before us.

I like to think about the trends marking the job market for two reasons. As an employer, I want to stay on top of the evolutions we’re seeing from big employers — and the economy. As a leader in the human capital space, my focus is to assess trends in how people are impacting the performance of companies.

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Set Goals That Really Matter

A new year is upon us – Happy 2023! Now is the time to set new goals, find new challenges and take new opportunities. But how do we discern what we want to achieve? How do we wade through the tempting and the flashy and set our sights on progress that really matters?

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Let Us Show You What You Can’t See

As employers, we’re always trying to make decisions based on evidence. We want to hire the candidate who hands in the best resume. We want to promote the worker who offers the best track record. Companies have long operated this way.

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3 Steps To Boost Employee Happiness In 2023

This year started with the Great Resignation. The “quiet quitting” trend arrived this summer. And now 2022 is ending with a probable recession. In other words? It’s been a tough 12 months. Many of this year’s employment trends have focused on workers’ unfulfilled needs. Employees felt unheard, underpaid and underdeveloped, so they sought out new opportunities.

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Hiring Remote & Hybrid Employees

In-person and remote employees require more flexibility, and these days, they can find it, making the war for talent formidable.  How does an organization face this changing reality?  This weighty matter falls on the shoulders of leadership.  Business leaders must build their teams, find ways to encourage collaboration and engagement, and build trusting relationships among team members. And all the while, they must manage a staff who may seldom step foot in the office.

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Three Steps To Better Hiring

Many organizations are pushing to make hiring more speedy. The craze has led employers to rethink their hiring processes — what a great opportunity for improvement.

I believe that the standard candidate experience is not just stale, but broken. We ask candidates to sum up their experience on a piece of paper, sit through a nerve-wracking interview, and then wait weeks as we deliberate on a yes or no.

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Why do employees quit?

With so much attention on the workers who say “sayonara,” there’s good reason employers are asking the big question above. Why do employees quit? Is something pushing them out? Or is the grass really that much greener on the other side?

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Four Marks Of An Effective Talent Tool

There are a lot of tools on the market right now that claim they can assess candidates and workers. But how do you identify the tools that will give you the insights you need to find
the right workers and make sure they thrive?

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Cultivating A Culture Of Feedback

What role does feedback play in an organization? Surely, it’s important to guide employees throughout their tenure, ensuring they don’t just log hours, but learn and grow. But feedback is tricky to get right. A recent essay in the Harvard Business Review featured two business leaders’ musings on the subject: “The research is clear,” they wrote. “Telling people what we think of their performance doesn’t help them thrive and excel, and telling people how we think they should improve actually hinders learning.”

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Making The “Stay” Interview Meaningful

As the Great Resignation swept across the business world this year, companies reached for new strategies to boost retention and slow turnover. Organizations rolled out enticing new benefits, upped employee appreciation measures, and handed out competitive counteroffers.

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Think Beyond The Traditional Performance Review

We’re more than half-way through the year, and I’ve got a scary question for you: Where are you with your annual review? Have you thought about it since you walked through it with your boss just before the holidays? Have you made any progress on the goals you set in January?

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The Art Of Resilience

When you get bad news at work, what do you do? Your response to a tabled project or canceled event may illuminate more than you think. In fact, our ability to process surprises and disappointments predicts other indicators of success.

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3 Benefits Of Examining Behaviour At Work

Bring your whole self to work — that’s the commandment every employee-friendly company wants workers to live by. Bring your cat to team meetings. Post photos of your trip to Barbados on Slack. Host a brown bag on how to create the perfect cheese board.

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The Two Sides of Work Arrangements

There’s a great debate going on right now among employers around the globe. To work remotely or not to work remotely — that’s the question. The stakes are high on either side. On the one hand, employers have expensive real estate that’s going totally unused. And they know collaboration could use a boost from in-person work.

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Taking Pride In What Makes Us Thrive

June is Pride month here in the U.S., and many employers are celebrating by re-casting their logos in rainbow. Don’t get me wrong — a striking change to an emblem as steady as a logo can signal support. But the move rings hollow if it’s not matched by an underlying framework of inclusion and care.

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The 5 Generations

The office is a complicated place for managers right now. First of all, that word “office” — what does it even signify today? It’s more than the space between four walls cement walls. It now encompasses corporate-owned locations, coworking spaces, and people’s home offices, living rooms, and dining room tables.

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PeopleBest Offers Team Comparison Report

Today’s teams are more diverse, dispersed, digital and dynamic. This creates a growing imperative to move information and energy through the organization and reduce friction that slows progress. How do leaders build trust and attentiveness in their teams on what matters? How can the team stay ‘on point’ during strategic shifts?

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Why Team Dynamics Still Matter

In many workplaces, teamwork ain’t what it used to be. The pandemic replaced good old fashioned meetings with Zoom calls, Slack standups and other tech-enabled solutions. Those fixes got us through a terrible time, but they couldn’t reproduce the camaraderie and collaboration of in-person coworking.

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What Does It Take To Beat Boredom

Why do employees quit? It’s a question that keeps business leaders up at night, and it’s also a question that’s hard to answer. Thankfully, research helps us pinpoint a couple of the most common factors that cause employees to quit.

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#InvestInOurPlanet, invest in your people

April 22nd is Earth Day, so this question might come to mind as you plan any related events. The planet and our workforce are obviously interconnected, but celebrations like Earth Day challenge employers to dig a little deeper to determine how people management and planet management align.

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Embrace neurodiversity by nixing rigid hiring practices

With World Autism Awareness Day just behind us on April 2, I want to take a moment to speak to a topic that’s often left out of discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion: Neurodiversity. We can start supporting neurodiverse individuals by stepping away from rigid practices that may eliminate neurodivergent applicants from our candidate pools.

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Equal Payday and Beyond

March 31 marks Equal Pay Day. Ninety days into 2022, the date signifies how many days women must work to earn the amount of money men earned in 2021. The day, set by the National Committee on Pay Equity each year, calls attention to the pay gap that exists between working men and women in the U.S. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women made 82% of men’s annual earnings in 2020.

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How To Create An Inclusive Holiday Calendar

Organizations across the globe are attempting to be more inclusive. That’s a lofty and often nebulous goal, leaving many with a big question: Where do we start? We’ve compiled a couple of tips that will help you make your holiday plan more inclusive.

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PeopleBest Features Culture Gauge Bespoke to Each Organization

Job seekers have more options to consider now more than ever, making the labor market a true challenge for employers. Information is abundant about companies, and candidates will compare and contrast job opportunities. As they search, they’ll assess for culture. Candidates are looking for workplaces that believe in values such as customer service, professional growth or collaboration. Leaders, meanwhile, have a vested interest in evaluating how well their employees connect to stated values.

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This Employee Appreciation Day, make a plan to value your workers all year long

Employee appreciation day is Friday. Do you have a plan? It’s an important question. Don’t let yourself be the workplace version of the poor saps standing in line for self checkout at 5 p.m. on Valentine’s Day, holding a sad bouquet of wilted roses. But there’s a more important question out there: How do you make sure your employees feel recognized for their effort when they head home for the weekend, not only this Friday, but every Friday?

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Developing A Data Driven Talent System

Our approach to talent is reflected in our name: We want you to find the best people for your company, and then we want to empower you to treat them the best you can.

PeopleBest offers a path forward. In this white paper, we will explore three ways a holistic talent system powers your people decisions.

  • Part 1 — Learn
    Envision your talent goals and learn how a system can help you achieve them.

  • Part 2 — Discover
    See how talent systems use data to generate insight.

  • Part 3 — Find
    Learn to assess a talent system’s functions and judge for success.

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The Disappearing Sick Day And Your Organization’s Health

When workplaces encourage employees to forgo the occasional sick day — even if it’s for a mild head cold — they tell workers that their health comes second. Somehow, the COVID-19 pandemic put the sick day in danger. That may sound impossible — it’s definitely ironic. But emerging research says it’s true. HR tech company Beamery recently reported that 39% of workers are more likely to work through sickness from home. And a quarter said they believe sick days themselves are a thing of the past.

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How behavior data can boost HR’s people analytics

Behavior data will tell you what’s going on and what may be coming next. Regular people analytics? It won’t get you there. With workers leaving their jobs in droves, employers must do whatever they can to recruit and retain the best talent. Data can help them do that, but the numbers have to paint as accurate a picture as possible.

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Growth or Fixed Mindset: Is One More Important than the Other?

Awareness is the first and essential stepping stone to change. Without it, effort and action make way for frustration — not progress. What role does awareness play in mindset? Mindset is often perceived as passive and untouchable. There’s some truth in that idea: childhood, education and personality all work to define our mindset.

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A Roadmap to Better Team Dynamics

Work doesn’t have to be a series of draining group projects. With the right tools, teams can share responsibility, work efficiently and maybe even enjoy each others’ company. The formula sounds simple, and it is: Self awareness creates the opportunity for change. But there are three key steps teams must follow to make the journey from knowledge to action.

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Preventing Bad Hiring Decisions

More and more people are turning toward tools to help prevent making bad hiring decisions. But if you don’t take into consideration these 4 things, the tool isn’t going to help prevent that.

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