
3 Behaviors To Pay Attention To For Remote And Hybrid Work

High-profile employers are making headlines as they decide whether to call workers back to the office or leave them at home. Remote work is no longer an option at SpaceX, for instance, after Elon Musk ordered employees to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office each week. The co-founder and CEO of Yelp, Jeremy Stoppelman, took a different direction. His company shuttered several offices around the U.S. in an effort to “double down” on remote work.

Many, many other business leaders will make decisions about work arrangements that won’t get picked up by the press. But that doesn’t make them any less important. As executives, HR teams, and managers meet to discuss whether extended remote work is a viable option, they need to make sure they’re working with all the facts. Behavior data provides leaders the insight they need to determine each worker’s preparedness for remote work.

Workers equipped to work from home possess a blend of skills that position them to be successful away from the office. When discussing your team’s remote productivity potential, consider these three skills:

Takes Initiative

Workers who take initiative feel empowered to make decisions and initiate action — all without being told. These workers generate objectives for themselves or in tandem with managers and do what it takes to achieve them.

Results driven

Guided by their objectives, results-driven workers don’t waver from their commitments. If they’re required to produce results, they step up, at times directing the efforts of others, even when they’re in individual contributor positions.

Works independently

Workers who are strong in independence feel more productive working in the silence of solace than they do against the din of office chit chat. They find it easy to maintain objectivity and focus on the tasks at hand. They are comfortable proceeding with work without much input or direction from others.

PeopleBest measures these skills and more to develop a work from home profile — a set of skills that will measure a workers’ proclivity for remote and hybrid work. Our ‘Work from Home’ model can also be tailored to an organization providing a precise “code of success” for remote workers. A group of employees take the assessment, relevant performance metrics are provided and correlated with the aggregate behavior scores.  The outcomes include setting desired score ranges reflecting high performance and the custom assessment is used in the hiring process with candidates or when evaluating employees for internal moves.

To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


Improving The Foundation Of Team Communication

Was workplace collaboration a casualty of the pandemic? Seventy-five percent of employees say that teamwork suffered greatly since the onset of COVID-19. Remote operations hampered team meetings. Zoom glitches interrupted strategy sessions. Social distancing rules ruined plans for drinks and dinners.

But we’re in a very different place with the pandemic now than we were two years ago. Remote operations are standard procedure. Zoom glitches are less frequent. And we know how to get drinks and dinners safely. So where does collaboration stand?

Here’s my opinion: To reclaim collaboration, we need to focus on the foundation of teamwork. We need to realign who works together and how they interact with one another. And to do that, we need information, and lots of it. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Know Your Team

When workers’ behaviors aren’t considered while building and honing a team, people begin to talk past each other. Let’s say two workers — we’ll call them Shawn and Tessa — serve on a marketing team together. These two are star workers: They’re creative, detailed, and deadline oriented.

But they have a hard time working together. Their meetings seem to lead no where, and when they work on a project together, it feels more like a middle school group project than an invigorating professional experience.

What gives? Shawn and Tessa make wonderful teammates. But when they’re not equipped with information about behavior — their own and each others’ — they fail.

Behavior data unlocks the secret to good collaboration; in fact, it holds the secret to collaboration’s revival. Just take a look at Shawn and Tessa’s case. Shawn’s all about connection: Conversations get his creative juices flowing, and he’s got to express all his ideas out loud to find the one that truly shines. Tessa, on the other hand, thrives on her own. She puts her head down and powers through work until it satisfies her sky-high standards.

When Shawn and Tessa discover this information about themselves and each other, they begin to work in harmony. Shawn builds hours of independent work into their project timeline. Tessa clears an afternoon for a brainstorming session.

Step 2: Aligning The Stars

Behavior data equipped Shawn and Tessa to align their strengths. Their success can be replicated in the most defunct teams. When teams uncover their ‘code of success,’ they unlock unlimited possibilities to become more engaged people and achieve better results.

PeopleBest provides a very simple way to give you the information you need to see such success. Our algorithm uncovers the complexities that thwart teamwork to equip workers with the information they need to understand themselves and their coworkers. As they learn about the elements that fuel them and hinder them, they discover the path to deeper team communication. Soon, they reap the rewards: increased productivity, stronger harmony, and more fun.

To find out how PeopleBest can help your team grow, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


Equal Payday and Beyond

March 31 marks Equal Pay Day. Ninety days into 2022, the date signifies how many days women must work to earn the amount of money men earned in 2021.

The day, set by the National Committee on Pay Equity each year, calls attention to the pay gap that exists between working men and women in the U.S. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women made 82% of men’s annual earnings in 2020.

A wider gap exists between the earnings of men and Black women, data shows. In fact, Equal Pay Day for Black women did not arrive until Aug. 3 last year.

As employers anticipate this year’s Equal Pay Day, we at PeopleBest want to consider what it means to provide equal compensation and how leaders can foster equality, in compensation and beyond.

Equal pay for equal work

The U.S. Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963. Its central requirement is this: Provide equal pay for equal work.
The law ensures employers compensate men and women working similar jobs the same amount of money. It does make room for factors that can rightfully affect compensation, such as experience.
But the law’s main purpose is to protect workers from gender-based pay discrimination. Still, complying with the Equal Pay Act is only the beginning of establishing pay equity.

A checklist for equality

Employers looking to make sure their business offers equitable compensation can consider a number of strategies:

  • Establish and publish salary ranges

  • Don’t ask candidates about salary history information

  • Conduct regular pay audits

These practices are becoming the status quo among many employers. Some businesses are attempting to adopt progressive practices that ensure they’re treating workers well. Others — regardless of their intent — are adding the policies because of a growing number of state and local laws mandating them.

Supporting women, 365 days a year

As employers look to ensure equality in their compensation practices, leaders must consider how their efforts are matched throughout their organization — not just in the payroll department. Leaders embarking on this endeavor need to question how well their organization understands the goals, strengths and gaps among their workers, women included.

Let’s consider a hypothetical situation to help illustrate this point. Perhaps you employ a woman called Rosa, an entry-level graphic designer. Rosa always reports to work on Monday with a new story to share about her adventurous weekend. Her manager soon learns she shows high levels of mobility — she’ll be thrilled to work toward a promotion, especially if her new role includes business travel.

When this information is brought to light, leaders and managers can understand what motivates their reports, and what holds them back. This intel can reveal areas where your organization can better equip women.

Here’s my challenge to you: Find out about each of your person on your team. As a leader, it is your privilege to maximize the potential of each person you lead. Dig in. Learn. And help each every worker — no matter their gender — excel.

To find out how PeopleBest can help your team identify the amazing aspects of women on your team. Ask us how so that, together, we can make a difference. Book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies