
Why do employees quit?

Why do employees quit? 

This question has vexed virtually every employer in the last year. Quit rates have been at all time highs, prompting all kinds of nicknames for the widespread business challenge. Call it the Great Resignation, the Great Reshuffle, or the Great Recruitment, but many of us are still feeling its effects.

With so much attention on the workers who say “sayonara,” there’s good reason employers are asking the big question above. Why do employees quit? Is something pushing them out? Or is the grass really that much greener on the other side?

It’s not (just) about money

We all know a job offer that comes with a bulkier salary is hard to pass up. But money is not the only motivation of workers who resign. According to a recent McKinsey survey, the top reasons workers quit spanned from opportunities for growth, to money, to managers:

  • 41%: Lack of career development and advancement

  • 36%: Inadequate total compensation

  • 34%: Uncaring and uninspiring leaders

  • 31%: Lack of meaningful work

  • 29%: Unsustainable work expectations

When McKinsey asked respondents why they accepted a new position, the results largely aligned with respondents’ motivations for quitting. Workers’ top three reasons for taking a new job were: Career development and advancement; adequate total compensation; and meaningful work.

These numbers tell a powerful story. Workers want to grow, do work that’s meaningful to them, and make enough money. The only question that remains: How can employers deliver?

I can’t help you get your compensation strategy in order. But I can equip you with a tool that leads employees to work that fuels their passions, all while outlining a roadmap for growth. We provide intelligent data based on employee performance and aspiration. With this information, we help organizations create environments in which employees flourish based on their giftedness. In addition, we help leaders and managers understand how to lead through change, create synergy in their teams and coach employees for future career steps.  To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


Four Marks Of An Effective Talent Tool

There are a lot of tools on the market right now that claim they can assess candidates and workers. But how do you identify the tools that will give you the insights you need to find the right workers and make sure they thrive?

To answer this question, I’ve identified four attributes that mark the most successful talent tools.

#1: Predictable

A talent tool should be able to foretell how well someone is going to perform in a particular job. It will highlight not only who they are but also how they will fit.

#2: Actionable

No one is the perfect fit for a job. A good talent tool should flag the gaps in a hire’s sills and abilities. It will lay out actionable steps to take somebody from where they are to where they need to be.

#3: Repeatable

How do we take this concept — predicting skills and identifying improvement actions — and make it repeatable? A tool should allow you to analyze many workers in many jobs.

#4: Customizable

We know every single company is different. And we know every single job is different: A marketing coordinator will look completely different than a vice president of sales. A good talent tool will be customizable to positions and to companies.

We at PeopleBest have built our platform on these four attributes. To make sure our tool drives results that are predictable, actionable, repeatable, and customizable, we’ve created an assessment that analyzes 29 traits on a scale from one to 10. We didn’t stop there. We’ve developed profiles that are highly specific and unique to a particular job, so we can predict success with an exactness that is unbeatable.

To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


3 Behaviors To Pay Attention To For Remote And Hybrid Work

High-profile employers are making headlines as they decide whether to call workers back to the office or leave them at home. Remote work is no longer an option at SpaceX, for instance, after Elon Musk ordered employees to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office each week. The co-founder and CEO of Yelp, Jeremy Stoppelman, took a different direction. His company shuttered several offices around the U.S. in an effort to “double down” on remote work.

Many, many other business leaders will make decisions about work arrangements that won’t get picked up by the press. But that doesn’t make them any less important. As executives, HR teams, and managers meet to discuss whether extended remote work is a viable option, they need to make sure they’re working with all the facts. Behavior data provides leaders the insight they need to determine each worker’s preparedness for remote work.

Workers equipped to work from home possess a blend of skills that position them to be successful away from the office. When discussing your team’s remote productivity potential, consider these three skills:

Takes Initiative

Workers who take initiative feel empowered to make decisions and initiate action — all without being told. These workers generate objectives for themselves or in tandem with managers and do what it takes to achieve them.

Results driven

Guided by their objectives, results-driven workers don’t waver from their commitments. If they’re required to produce results, they step up, at times directing the efforts of others, even when they’re in individual contributor positions.

Works independently

Workers who are strong in independence feel more productive working in the silence of solace than they do against the din of office chit chat. They find it easy to maintain objectivity and focus on the tasks at hand. They are comfortable proceeding with work without much input or direction from others.

PeopleBest measures these skills and more to develop a work from home profile — a set of skills that will measure a workers’ proclivity for remote and hybrid work. Our ‘Work from Home’ model can also be tailored to an organization providing a precise “code of success” for remote workers. A group of employees take the assessment, relevant performance metrics are provided and correlated with the aggregate behavior scores.  The outcomes include setting desired score ranges reflecting high performance and the custom assessment is used in the hiring process with candidates or when evaluating employees for internal moves.

To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


Cultivating A Culture Of Feedback

What role does feedback play in an organization? Surely, it’s important to guide employees throughout their tenure, ensuring they don’t just log hours, but learn and grow.

But feedback is tricky to get right. A recent essay in the Harvard Business Review featured two business leaders’ musings on the subject: “The research is clear,” they wrote. “Telling people what we think of their performance doesn’t help them thrive and excel, and telling people how we think they should improve actually hinders learning.”

Where does this information leave managers, leaders, and employers? Workers crave growth – it’s so important to them, in fact, that many say they’d leave their jobs if threatened by stagnation. But how do employers foster growth if we can’t tell them where and how that growth should occur?

In defense of the comfort zone

The authors of the HBR essay had a couple of helpful answers to this question. They pointed to research delving into the learning process, findings showing that learning happens first and foremost in the positive. “Learning rests on our grasp of what we’re doing well, not on what we’re doing poorly, and certainly not on someone else’s sense of what we’re doing poorly,” the authors wrote. “…we learn most when someone else pays attention to what’s working within us and asks us to cultivate it intelligently.”

Growth and learning do not occur when workers are admonished with a vague command to “get out of your comfort zone” or “pick up a new skill.” Instead, workers learn the most when they’re encouraged to explore their strengths.

“It’s clear that we learn most in our comfort zones, because that’s where our neural pathways are most concentrated,” the pair wrote. “It’s where we’re most open to possibility, most creative, insightful, and productive. That’s where feedback must meet us — in our moments of flow.”

Create continual, consistent feedback

As you may have noticed in past blogs, I’m passionate about feedback.  I truly believe that these moments should be done weekly, at a minimum. Share those “quick moments” with your people when their in their zones to improve feedback and trust.  Don’t miss this opportunity to find out the ‘best’ in each of your team members!

At PeopleBest, our technology-forward approach to workplace psychology opens the door for employers to provide continual, consistent feedback hinging on employers’ strengths. With a roadmap to growth, your employees will be unstoppable. To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.


Making The “Stay” Interview Meaningful

As the Great Resignation swept across the business world this year, companies reached for new strategies to boost retention and slow turnover. Organizations rolled out enticing new benefits, upped employee appreciation measures, and handed out competitive counteroffers. 

Among these tried-and-true strategies, another emerged: The stay interview.

What is a stay interview?

The stay interview isn’t technically new, as Georgetown management professor Brooks Holtom told CNBC’s Jennifer Liu. But the tactic enjoyed renewed attention as employers intensified retention efforts.

In essence, stay interviews are like exit interviews with a twist. Instead of analyzing the motives of workers on their way out the door, stay interviews target employees who are engaged and motivated. They identify what draws committed team members to their work, what they’re looking forward to, and what the business could do to support them to go even further.

In a recent article appearing in the Harvard Business Review, one business leader recommended four questions employers and managers can use in stay interviews:

  • What’s your frame of mind today?

  • Who do you feel connected to at work?

  • What barriers can I remove for you?

  • What new thing do you want to learn that will excite you and help you grow?

In his interview with CNBC, professor Holtom suggested a few more queries: What excites you to come into work? Do you feel good about the impact of your work? Do you see a future for yourself at the company? If you were manager for a day, what would you do differently?

Make it meaningful — and easy

These questions all seek to uncover the essence of an employee’s relationship with her job and her employer. The answers, when honest and detailed, provide a wealth of information to organizations.

While stay interviews carry tremendous value, they do present a few challenges:

  • First, though they potentially highlight trends within an organization, they create a window into only one employer-employee relationship.

  • Second, they require companies to spend sometimes costly amounts of time interviewing, analyzing, and interpreting responses.

  • Third, they generate personal answers that are much harder to analyze than standardized data.

This is not to say organizations should ditch the stay interview. But here’s my suggestion: Support the stay interview with another mode of employee listening that retrieves information from your whole workforce in a quick and standardized manner.

Learn how you can dial into what makes each of your people thrive using PeopleBest, and take your stay interviews to a new level. At PeopleBest, we’ve created an AI-powered platform that provides employees’ code to success. Ask us how we can help you discover the best in each of your people.

To find out how PeopleBest can help you fight retention, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.


Think Beyond The Traditional Performance Review

We’re more than half-way through the year, and I’ve got a scary question for you: Where are you with your annual review? Have you thought about it since you walked through it with your boss just before the holidays? Have you made any progress on the goals you set in January?

August is not the traditional time to think about the annual review. But that makes it the best time to reconsider the practice. What is your companies policy on performance reviews?  If you don’t have one, then you have options. If you need to be compliant with your policies, then you have to deal with the best way to handle this important task. 

You see, it’s my belief that the standard performance review fails workers and employers. It’s also my belief that there’s another way. Behavior data allows managers to speak in specifics with their workers to drive progress all year long. Intrigued? Read on.

Where the annual review fails

The annual review fails for three reasons. 

1. It’s taxing.

If you’ve ever managed anyone, you know how much work goes into a performance review. Each review deserves your full attention — after all, that’s the mechanism that will drive workers’ growth (and, not to mention, pay) throughout the next year. But combing through 12 months of meeting notes to devise each reports’ strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities takes serious time and effort. 

There’s another side to consider here: The employee. Performance reviews are a classic trigger for stress and anxiety among workers. The performance review itself, embroiled in nerves and tension, steals the show, taking attention from what’s really demanding: A coming year of hard work and progress.

2. It’s subjective.

Managers are human. That means managers are subjective. One manager may see an employee’s socializing as self-indulgent procrastination, while another may see it as a collaboration-boosting strategy. The difference in opinion could color the tone of a performance review. 

Employees are also human and subjective. An employee may interpret a manager’s firm feedback as a nice-to-have goal rather than the key to their promotion. 

3. It’s vague.

Performance reviews are often littered with vague feedback and hazy goals. This leaves managers and employees in an unhelpful spot: Employees don’t know how to move forward, and managers don’t know how to assess their progress.

Behavior data does it better

The problems with performance reviews leave a lot of room for improvement. And they’ll motivate some to go back to the drawing board entirely. Here’s my preferred option: Behavior data. 

Using scientific tools to unveil the patterns in your employees’ actions, thinking, preferences, and passions, you’ll see how they work and why. You’ll gain the insights you need to propel them toward better performance. And you’ll ascertain where they want to go in the long term.

Let us, at PeopleBest, help you get to your 2022 finish line with a sample or insight of anyone on your team, on us!

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


Improving The Foundation Of Team Communication

Was workplace collaboration a casualty of the pandemic? Seventy-five percent of employees say that teamwork suffered greatly since the onset of COVID-19. Remote operations hampered team meetings. Zoom glitches interrupted strategy sessions. Social distancing rules ruined plans for drinks and dinners.

But we’re in a very different place with the pandemic now than we were two years ago. Remote operations are standard procedure. Zoom glitches are less frequent. And we know how to get drinks and dinners safely. So where does collaboration stand?

Here’s my opinion: To reclaim collaboration, we need to focus on the foundation of teamwork. We need to realign who works together and how they interact with one another. And to do that, we need information, and lots of it. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Know Your Team

When workers’ behaviors aren’t considered while building and honing a team, people begin to talk past each other. Let’s say two workers — we’ll call them Shawn and Tessa — serve on a marketing team together. These two are star workers: They’re creative, detailed, and deadline oriented.

But they have a hard time working together. Their meetings seem to lead no where, and when they work on a project together, it feels more like a middle school group project than an invigorating professional experience.

What gives? Shawn and Tessa make wonderful teammates. But when they’re not equipped with information about behavior — their own and each others’ — they fail.

Behavior data unlocks the secret to good collaboration; in fact, it holds the secret to collaboration’s revival. Just take a look at Shawn and Tessa’s case. Shawn’s all about connection: Conversations get his creative juices flowing, and he’s got to express all his ideas out loud to find the one that truly shines. Tessa, on the other hand, thrives on her own. She puts her head down and powers through work until it satisfies her sky-high standards.

When Shawn and Tessa discover this information about themselves and each other, they begin to work in harmony. Shawn builds hours of independent work into their project timeline. Tessa clears an afternoon for a brainstorming session.

Step 2: Aligning The Stars

Behavior data equipped Shawn and Tessa to align their strengths. Their success can be replicated in the most defunct teams. When teams uncover their ‘code of success,’ they unlock unlimited possibilities to become more engaged people and achieve better results.

PeopleBest provides a very simple way to give you the information you need to see such success. Our algorithm uncovers the complexities that thwart teamwork to equip workers with the information they need to understand themselves and their coworkers. As they learn about the elements that fuel them and hinder them, they discover the path to deeper team communication. Soon, they reap the rewards: increased productivity, stronger harmony, and more fun.

To find out how PeopleBest can help your team grow, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies


The Art Of Resilience

When you get bad news at work, what do you do? Your response to a tabled project or canceled event may illuminate more than you think. In fact, our ability to process surprises and disappointments predicts other indicators of success. 

Workplace psychologists have a name for this ability: Resilience. Resilience has become somewhat of a sensation among employers in the last several years. Between a global health crisis, an economic shakeup, and a mass exodus of workers, employers have depended on their employees to weather extreme change, and weather it well.

How do we change this? What are the best practices around resilience? I’ve pulled together several business leaders’ thoughts on the topic — thoughts that illuminate what resilience is, how it serves workplaces, and how employers can foster it.

Before resilience had its name

Back before employers used the word resilience as a people management term, one individual knew all about it. His name was Henry Ford. Of course, we all know Mr. Ford for the famous Model T and everything that came after it. But the man knew a thing or two about how work gets done, too. Consider these lasting words:

“Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.”

 Henry Ford

Modern research backs Ford’s observation. As it turns out, workers who are resilient are more likely to be engaged. A can-do attitude facilitates success on the job, which fosters greater productivity and innovation.

Actions, not circumstances, define resilience

“Resilience is fundamentally underpinned by the concept that it is not so much the hard times we face that determine our success or failure as the way in which we respond to those hard times.”

Rachel Jackson and Chris Watkin

As organizational psychologists Rachel Jackson and Chris Watkin point out in their 2004 paper, resilience is more about action than circumstances. This reality may challenge employers — we can’t control how employees react to challenges.

This is a weighty challenge for many employers, including those with client- and customer-facing workers. The folks on the frontlines of our organizations deeply benefit from robust resilience. And our businesses flourish in turn. But how do we foster such an intangible skill?

Bolster resilience through behavior

“Resilience is more available to people curious about their own line of thinking and behaving.”

Brené Brown

Researcher and academic Brené Brown is known for her work on leadership and vulnerability. Shortly after her book “Rising Strong” published in 2015, the author explained her take on resilience in an interview with Business Insider. People are more resilient, Brown said, when they’ve tapped into their line or thinking and behaving.

Brown’s point is essential for employers to understand. If employers want resilient workforces, they need to equip their staff with insights into their own thinking and behaving. At PeopleBest, we see this all the time when we look assess how users process what’s happening to them. If your people have the tools needed to be resilient, that’s what they’ll be.  If not, then the need to help, support and develop them is essential.

To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.


How To Finish The Year Strong: Motivate Your People

We’re officially into the third quarter now, and the end of the year will arrive sooner than any of us will believe. How are those beginning-of-the-year goals doing? Are they starting to feel out of reach? Do you have a ways to go before counting them accomplished?

If you’re like me, you answered yes to those last two questions. I start to sweat come Q3, when we’ve passed the half-way mark and are barrelling through the summer. Maybe it’s my self consciousness speaking, but I’d like to think a lot of people feel this way. As time starts speeding by, those goals seem less lofty and more imposing.

As I face these challenges, I think a lot about motivation — both mine and my workers’. How do we maintain motivation throughout Q3 and into the end of the year? I’d like to offer three of my go-to strategies.

Offer Personalized Support

The first and best way to keep workers motivated is to offer personalized support: to identify and respond to the issues your workers struggle with. This effort entails some amount of research on the employer end — namely in some kind of listening. Many employers are beginning to recognize both the importance and payoff of listening. Sixty percent say they survey their entire organization at least quarterly, and many survey subsets of their workforce even more frequently.

Employee listening, whether it’s accomplished through pulse surveys, one-on-ones, or town halls, can help employers deliver targeted support to the workers who need it most. And when workers feel supported, they’re much more likely to be more productive and engaged.

Create Opportunities for Upskilling

Now that the year end is closing in on us, how can we help our people develop and use some new skills?  When workers feel stagnant, they quit. According to a LinkedIn report, 94% of respondents said they would stay in their jobs if their employer invested in their learning.

While upskilling certainly offers a boon for retention, it also serves as a mechanism for motivation. Workers who have opportunities to grow are shown to have greater motivation — especially when those opportunities align with their goals and ambitions.

Pair Passion and Purpose

Burnout is rampant in the workforce today. A lot of that can be attributed to overwork and stress; we are still living through a pandemic, after all. Coupled with the end of the year coming around the corner, this is even more of an issue.  When my team members are feeling burned out, I like to just make things simpler.  Instead of a lot of things to do or accomplish, I help them slow down and focus on the BIGGEST things we need to do. Less is more.

Workers who feel that their job and tasks relate to their interests and strengths are happier and more productive. A positive employee experience can double innovation, improve customer satisfaction and drive profits. In other words, an employee’s happiness at work has a lot to do with their ability to perform.  Remember, ‘work hard, play hard’.

Make the rest of 2022 amazing for yourself and your team!

The PeopleBest platform allows leaders to know their people and offer personalized support, identify opportunities for upskilling, and unite passion with purpose. To see how the platform could boost motivation on your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.


The Skills Gap Is Growing — What Will You Do To Prepare?

Today’s hiring is about filling open positions based on available candidates who fit the job requirements.  But do you also have an effective plan to build their skills?

Let me explain. In our increasingly digital world, it’s essential leaders take the time to hone a tech-savvy workforce. A global skills shortage will cause an estimated 85 million jobs to go unfilled by 2030. The knowledge gap comes with a hefty pricetag: some $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenues.

With warning signs like these, you’d think organizations would see skill-building for the high-priority necessity it is. But that’s not the case. Three in four workers lack the digital skills needed by businesses, and only 28% are working on building those skills today. For business leaders who want to see their success last beyond 2030, stats like these should read like a wakeup call.

Think beyond recruiting

Organizations may feel tempted to focus their skills gap efforts on recruiting. But building a tech-savvy workforce requires a broader strategy, one that’s based in upskilling. Upskilling allows employers to focus on the workers they already have, to invest in their people and equip them for the opportunities to come.

Here’s the best news: Workers love upskilling. In fact, 77% of workers say they want to learn new skills or completely retrain. And 37% say they’d leave their current jobs if they were not offered training to gain such skills.

When employers make good on these expectations, workers and business benefits. Ninety-three percent of CEOs who introduce upskilling programs reap rewards like increased productivity, improved talent acquisition and retention, and bolstered resilience.

To mind the gap, mine the gap 

The skills gap may seem intimidating — how could $8.5 trillion in lost revenue not make you start to sweat? But some of the very technology contributing to the gap can help businesses identify and eliminate skills gaps within their companies.

PeopleBest’s AI-powered platform allows you to see gaps inside your new hires and existing employees, allowing businesses to find candidates and develop existing employees who are ripe with opportunity for upskilling. To find out how PeopleBest can serve your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.