Product Features

Millennials Moving Into Leadership, What You Need to Know

In workplaces across the globe, the next generation of leaders is arriving.  It is estimated that 75% of the workforce will be millennials by 2025. By that date, millennials will also out represent boomers in leadership roles. Do these up-and-coming leaders have the skills to lead? PeopleBest is measuring critical intelligence to help organizations ensure they do.

As millennials move into management, they bring a new brand of leadership. What are the characteristics that set them apart?  Based on several studies, millennials as a whole are more purpose driven. They care about culture and social responsibility. They have a participative leadership style, exhibited by collaboration, two-way communication and friendliness.

These qualities can unite employees. But they can also create tension with success factors such as efficiency ratings, regulatory requirements and creating laser focus to meet stretch goals.

Great leaders walk those tensions skillfully.  When leaders understand  their natural style and its inherent weaknesses,  they grow  more effective over time.

How can the next generation of leaders learn about their teams, what they need, who they are and how to unite them?  The People dashboard offers a holistic view of how one leads.  Through it, individuals will see their predominant leadership style, learn how they engage with others, discover their mindset leanings and uncover their self-awareness level.

Through insights provided on the People dashboard, before long millennial managers will have workable strategies that help teams unite, compromise, stretch and at times let them soar in their independence.  Investing in this type of leader will help your organization retain employees and will attract top talent.

Tech Specs:

Leaders respond to a series of online behavioral preference statements.  Results measure participants’ strength in competency areas essential to leading strategy, goals, and team members. The People dashboard will display several specific competency sets that will help leaders fine tune their approach in multiple areas such as DE&I, Mindset, Self-Awareness and Leadership Styles

Content Summary:

Millennials are eager to learn and rise to the challenge of leading their organizations. How can employers prepare them to leverage their strengths and foster a thriving culture?

PeopleBest has the capability of customizing a roadmap to prepare your next generation of leaders. We measure core leadership capabilities and explore multiple factors that are essential for well-rounded and adaptable leaders of multi-generational teams including insights on derailers and accelerators to job success.  Let us help you provide insights on leadership readiness.

Reach out to PeopleBest today and get started, [email protected].

Product Features

PeopleBest Identifies Six Leadership Styles to Strengthen Agility and Confidence

Technological advancements, commercial innovations and disruptions spurred workplace change in the last decade. In turn, leaders adjusted the way they interact with their teams and honed the methods they use to succeed.

PeopleBest now measures the six leadership styles identified by Daniel Goleman in Emotional Intelligence. The resulting insights equip organizations with the information they need to hire the best candidates and develop those they bring on board.

Leaders typically possess a natural style, but that doesn’t mean they’re confined to a singular approach. Leaders demonstrate great aptitude and potential when they are able to adjust their approach based on business challenges and employee dynamics.

Leadership styles are rooted in emotional intelligence. Each style offers different components of emotional intelligence encompassing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and social skills. These areas are supported by behaviors giving insight on individuals’ degree of strength and helps to prioritize development opportunities.

Tech Specs

Individuals take the PeopleBest assessment by responding to a series of statements. The assessment gathers responses to score behavioral areas supporting each leadership style. An organization can view an entire group of leaders to understand their predominant style and discover other style strengths they have to address changing situations and needs.

Content Summary:

Leadership styles have a direct impact on business success and the culture or atmosphere that employees experience.  In any given week, leaders’ style needs can vary based on the stakeholders they lead.  The more seamlessly a leader can discern what’s needed in real time and adjust accordingly, the more likely that bold progress can be made.

Do you find your organization in a turnaround? Is it encountering complex internal and external factors that require leaders to give specific and timely direction? The best style for this situation involves direct and specific communication. Perhaps your workforce needs a boost in morale. Managers who know how to mobilize employees toward a vision will make timely progress in boosting your culture.

Sign up today to discover how PeopleBest’s Leadership Styles feature provides the insight and impetus you need to prepare your leadership for tomorrow’s challenges.

PeopleBest is a revolutionary, simple and powerful way to capture the exact ‘DNA of success’ inside people, teams and companies.