
A Roadmap to Better Team Dynamics

Three steps can help teams surpass dreaded group work and arrive at harmonious collaboration.

Students dread group projects. One or two control freaks take over all the work — sometimes because they can’t help themselves, and other times because no one else is willing to step up to the plate. Team communication is nonexistent or plain confusing. And the grade, good or bad, applies to everyone. Who knew a diorama could cause so much angst?

Students don’t get to say goodbye to the group project when graduation catapults them into the workforce. At some point in their careers, they’re likely to find themselves on another team, working on another project with people who just don’t jive.

There’s good news, though: The dread doesn’t have to be permanent. The modern workforce has the tools to understand the strengths and weaknesses each person brings to the team. Behavioral analytics equip teams and leaders to build strong effectiveness, communication and engagement. And the information spurs everyone’s journey of personal growth.

The formula sounds simple, and it is: Self awareness creates the opportunity for change. But there are three key steps teams must follow to make the journey from knowledge to action.

Step One: Get the prep work done

Teams need to do a little preparation to make sure their hard work pays off. The work begins with a team huddle, when leaders can prime their reports by discussing the goals of the analysis. What will the questionnaire accomplish? How should they respond when they’re stumped? What will their results mean, and what will the team do with them?

Most importantly, give team members a vision for the project. Talk about your personal interest in the project, and be honest. Give a couple of examples that tell them why you think it’s a good idea to dive deep into the team’s strengths and weaknesses. They may balk — who really wants to get up close and personal with their flaws in front of their coworkers — but ask them to trust the process.

Step Two: Talk through the results

Once everyone completes the questionnaire, the real work begins. 

Managers will use the analyzed results to speak with each team member, one on one. It’s important to take time to discuss the nature of the results and emphasize what it’s not: a performance review. The findings highlight strengths and areas for improvement, rather than accomplishments and failures.

Step Three: Set a challenge, then conquer it

When the team comes back together as a group, each member will understand how their own personality functions. What the team won’t understand is how their collective strengths and weaknesses interplay. Not yet. 

A team personality profile will pull team members’ individual results and build them into a group analysis. Managers can use the profile to discuss individual development and cultural identification.

Up next is the exciting part: Setting a goal. A manager may use an upcoming project to test out the team’s findings. Using the knowledge of people’s backgrounds and behaviors, the supervisor can select the right people for the job — a blend of people innovators and executors.

Or maybe a workplace leader needs to get a new initiative rolling. Managers can use the newfound information as they work to get people onboard. No more guesswork on whether or not people will be receptive or what happens after its launch.

Move forward with PeopleBest
Work doesn’t have to be a series of draining group projects. With the right tools, teams can share responsibility, work efficiently and maybe even enjoy each others’ company.

PeopleBest measures the success inside people by looking at five simple ‘styles’ to predict success inside of people, teams and companies. To find out how PeopleBest can help you and your team, book a demo and set up a time to chat with one of our specialists.