This year started with the Great Resignation. The “quiet quitting” trend arrived this summer.
And now 2022 is ending with a probable recession. In other words? It’s been a tough 12 months.
Many of this year’s employment trends have focused on workers’ unfulfilled needs. Employees felt unheard, underpaid and underdeveloped, so they sought out new opportunities. They felt frustrated over high expectations and low recognition, so they decided to give a little less. We’ve seen the trend of dissatisfaction play out in research, too. Workers report that they are lonely and face massive burnout.
Many leaders — myself included — are troubled by the dwindling emotional health of their employees and how the decline is impacting team members. We root for our workers. We want them to thrive. We also root for our businesses, and we know that when worker engagement falls, so does productivity, innovation, and other vital signs.
So how do we make sure our workers are happy?
Step 1: Get to know your workers
The first step to improving employee happiness is to get to know your workers. I’m sure you know your workers’ names and titles. And I know you’ve got a general idea of who’s a superstar and who’s a problem child. But that’s not what I’m getting at — I want to know if you actually know the people on your payroll.
Picture this team. Amy is from Michigan and got a communications degree from a small school somewhere out West. Oscar hails from California and started his career overseas, though you can’t remember where. Before moving over to the private sector, Donna worked for the federal government — but what did she do, again?
Knowing the basics of your employees’ stories shows that you didn’t daydream through their job interview or newcomer lunch. This knowledge also provides a sense of kinship. A familiarity between you and your workers makes them feel seen.
Step 2: Know the WHY Inside
While these kinds of details are important, they may not give you all the information you need to help your workers succeed. Employees’ stories will help you discover what makes them tick. Insights about their behavior will help chart a path to professional success.
For example: Do you know how much or little they like or feel comfortable with feedback on how they’re doing? It’s important to understand your employees’ backgrounds. But it’s just as essential to know WHO they are inside — how they think, how they work, and how they grow.
Take Oscar, for instance: He started his professional life in London after studying abroad there during his undergrad. He moved back to the States to care for his parents, but he longs for opportunities that will satisfy his thirst for learning and adventure.
Behavior data will help decode Oscar’s story and reveal who he is and what works best in connecting with him. Knowing the behavioral WHY inside can help Oscar’s mentors understand how to help him succeed.
Step 3: Lead workers to greatness
Workers are hungry for new opportunities. This desire is so great that a lack of opportunities for growth motivates some to quit. The Sitel Group, a customer experience management company, released a research in 2019 that concluded 37% of employees would leave their current job if they were not offered training to gain new skills.
Behavior data tells employers who needs what kind of opportunity and why. It aligns employees with available opportunities based on their strengths, interests and behaviors. The best part about this? It keeps workers happy, and it strengthens your business.
I’ve just walked through three steps to help you understand your people and boost their happiness in 2023. As I conclude, I want to leave you with a question: When will YOU start to know your team?
I’ll make it easy for you. Give us a call, and we’ll run a free team study on each of your people and provide you with a free analysis of each person and how you can achieve each of these steps. All you have to do is call (714) 685-1020 or email us at [email protected] with the code HAPPINESS23.
PeopleBest is in the business of creating happiness and productivity, so we can’t wait to help you.
Happy New Year!