What if you could predict
how much your next franchisee would produce?

You’re only as good as your best Franchisee, right?

It’s about your reputation, integrity and service too, correct? 

PeopleBest uses 20 years of science backed AI to provide you insights predicting the performance of your next franchisee selection. 

Ask us how we helped one franchise target over $19m/yr in using us to predict the performance of their next franchisee selections.

Win Different!

Many assessment companies do an initial analysis and research with their tool.  Same model for everyone, each person has a set of 4 letters, or quadrant designated to their ‘type’.  They don’t customize by demographic or analyzing incumbents in a company or correlate it with specific metrics related to the role. 

The PeopleOS can interface with other tools, scores and assessments providing a deepr analysis of the information you already have giving you a more robust, actionable and revenue increasing data set. 

We add rocket fuel to the assesment data you may already have helping you predict future success, not just look at letters. 

Been There-
Done that?

Have you ever used a tool to help you in your franchise development process?  

How did that work for you?

Was the end product confusing data or proprietary language that made it difficult to implement? 

Leverage AI + Science

PeopleBest’s PeopleOS uses AI technology, bringing trillions of calculations down to a single number or series of findings customized to YOUR company, culture, language and values making it easy to read and implement.

We give you the tools to help you predict the success of your new franchisees. Talk to our Director of Business Development on how we can make this happen for you.

Could performance coaching boost your lowest Franchise's revenue by $10m?

That’s exactly what we did for one of our Franchise clients. 

By analyzing the characteristics, traits and behaviours of franchise owners, we were able to correlate their actions to revenues and develop a plan of how to ‘course correct’ their strategy and tacticts to align with top performers. 

Coaching can create impact at the franchise level, and at an individual level. When challenged by a franchise to increase sales potential due to the slumping of several regional sales managers; we created a coaching program that predicted a boost of $1M per location, and they are on target to beat that prediction!

Start Maximizing Your Franchise

We use AI and psychology together to find out exactly what makes your best people different from everyone else.  What you get is the power to predict revenue generation of your next Franchisee selection, or how to improve your existing Franchisee population

Using our 5-step process we discover what makes your business and your Franchisee’s unique.  Read more about how we customized a Franchise distributor’s 80 success points to help them generate $300m in future revenue.

Connect directly with our BDM of Franchises.

Set up a 15-30 minute meeting with Bill, PeopleBest’s Director of Business Development that specializes in Franchises to find out how fast you can get our custo AI tool working for you.